Birth of the Alliance (The Aliomenti Saga – Book 4)

Book Cover Art Work for the book titled: Birth of the Alliance (The Aliomenti Saga - Book 4)

New to the series? Start with The Aliomenti Saga Box Set (Books 1-3).

[Book 4 of 8]
Freed from the constraints of the Aliomenti, Will Stark creates a new group, an Alliance of men and women committed to using their Energy skills and technological advances to improve the lives of all.

It’s an act of rebellion that won’t go unnoticed–or unpunished–by the Aliomenti Elites.

Treachery, a desperate search for the resolution of his most vexing personal concern, and an incredible network of underground facilities drive Will to his own desperate decisions. He’ll figure out how to bring new life into the world… but the asking price is steep.

And permanent.

(reg price $12.99)

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