Not Alone

Book Cover Art Work for the book titled: Not Alone

Aliens exist, the government knows, and Dan McCarthy just found the proof.

When Dan McCarthy stumbles upon a folder containing evidence of the conspiracy to end all conspiracies — a top-level alien cover-up — he leaks the files without a second thought.

The incredible truth revealed by Dan’s leak immediately captures the public’s imagination, but Dan’s relentless commitment to exposing the cover-up and forcing disclosure quickly earns him some enemies in high places.

For his whole life, Dan McCarthy has searched for a reason to believe. Now that he finally has one, he might soon wish he didn’t…


Not Alone, a multi-time Kindle Unlimited All Star title and ‘Best of 2016’ finalist, is a roller-coaster tale of contact and disclosure for the 21st century. [Print length: 736 pages]

Not Alone: Second Contact is now available. Each book is a full and expansive story in its own right — there are no cliffhangers in sight.

(reg price $19.99)

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